Exercise is one of the most effective methods
to beat stress. Exercise by improving your
look, your health, your self esteem can
energize a person and be real stress buster.
Stretching exercises, weight training and
aerobic exercises like walking; running
and swimming can transform your life. Regular
exercise allows the body to maintain good
metabolism or homeostasis and reduce the
physical impact of stress.
The High of Working out:
Exercise increases the production of certain
chemical like endorphins, which make you
feel like a king. These endorphins have
been shown to increase during physical activity
of twenty minutes or more. Chemically they
are similar to opiate compounds like morphine
and can provide an analgesic or pain relieving
effect, as well as and create a sense of
euphoria. Some runners have experienced
feelings like second wind or a boost of
energy in the midst of a long run. Several
other runners have actually described the
feeling of a psychological boost and named
it the “runner's high”.
Valve to let out Anger:
Exercise is a great outlet for pent up anger
and hostility. A good whack to the golf
ball or a series of punches to the punching
bag can be a catharsis for negative energies
and caustic emotions.
Dynamic Meditation: Certain
exercises like aerobic dance, jogging, swimming,
hiking, bicycling, which require a fairly
consistent repetitive motion, can alter
one's state of consciousness. Described
by some as moving meditation, the physiological
effects of regular participation in these
activities is very similar to what happens
when one practices meditation
Opportunities for Social contacts
and friends: The buffering effects
of friends and social support are well documented
in stress reduction. Recreational activities
like golf, tennis, badminton or gym training
gives us the opportunity to meet like minded
people and sometimes the friendships last
a lifetime.
Exercise improves Sleep:
Stress is the enemy of sleep. Exercise has
been shown to be very effective in helping
some individuals fall asleep easily and
sleep more soundly. Exercise ensures better
quality and depth of sleep, which can energize
you to face the stresses of life better.
Quality time with self:
Exercise allows you the luxury of spending
quality time with yourself. An invigorating
walk on the beach, bicycle ride in the country,
swimming laps in a pool or an early morning
run can be an escape from the daily toils
and pressures of a stressful society. These
sessions allow you to recharge your creative
batteries, do some serious introspection
or indulge in some motivating self talk.
For more detailed information on Exercise
you could refer to the book “Calm
Sutra, the Art of Relaxation”.